Title: Living In The Light Of Future Promises
Series: Living Victoriously As Exiles
Bible Reference: Hebrews 11 v8-10
Length: 33.04min
Sunday PM: Darren Chandler
Title: Living In The Light Of Future Promises
Series: Living Victoriously As Exiles
Bible Reference: Hebrews 11 v8-10
Length: 33.04min
Sunday AM: Darren Chandler
Title: Why Am I So Special?
Series: August At Trinity
Length: 36.01min
Sunday PM: Mike Roper
Title: Faith Or Folly
Series: Living Victoriously As Exiles
Bible Reference: Hebrews 11 v7
Length: 40.56min
Sunday AM: Peter Mawson
Title: Why Is Jesus So Special?
Series: August At Trinity
Bible Reference: Luke 24 v13-35
Length: 35.16min
Sunday AM: Peter Mawson
Title: Why Is Christianity So Special?
Bible Reference: Matthew 28
Length: 39.23min
Sunday PM: Peter Smith
Title: Living Victoriously As Exiles – Part 3
Series: Living Victoriously As Exiles
Bible Reference: Hebrews 11 v4-6
Length: 27.44min
Sunday AM: Peter Mawson
Title: Why Is The Bible So Special?
Series: August At Trinity
Bible Reference: Luke 24 v13-35
Length: 45.00min
Sunday services are at 10.30am and 6.30pm and there are events throughout the week
Trinity Baptist Church, Ashford Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6LR (next to Turners Avenue)
01580 764992